Field Guide for a Crisis: Capturing the shifts in social behavior that will shape the next normal
Many experts are talking about how the crisis will “change everything”…but do we know that is true? And what things will change and what things will stay the same? This is a clarion call to social scientists—a hopefully once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to observe human behavior in flux.
"What role should banks play in the world of today? Delivering a sense of stability, we argue. Martin Gronemann, Cengiz Cemaloglu, and Lara Casciola co-authored a perspective that makes the case that now more than ever banks need to deliver a sense of stability to their customers, and dissects the concept of stability into its core components.
With covid-19 lockdowns, more Americans feel they have more agency over, and less structure to their time; they are reluctant to return to old routines. This is leading to key shifts in meaning and practice that more companies need to tap into to succeed in a post-pandemic world.
How has Paris changed? What can we learn from this new Paris? And what might it tell us about how brands can serve consumers in the months and years to come?
As markets around the world begin to open up post-COVID lockdown, ReD Associates’ local research partners look into early signals around how behaviors and values may be shifting in Shanghai and Wuhan.
Even those of us who don’t identify as gamers can feel it: video games are a worldwide phenomenon fast becoming a part of everyday life. Any brand seeking to be relevant in the current cultural landscape must understand what it means to be a gamer.
During Covid-19, many people are searching for meaning in literature set during times of war, disease and dystopia. We hear about skyrocketing sales of Camus and are reminded of the great impact of the plague on Shakespeare’s work. But ReD’s Jonny Lowndes has been wading into classic texts that tell us something about the impact of isolation on the way we think. In this personal essay, he shares insights gleaned by reading by Viriginia Wolff and Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
Misinformation about coronavirus has pressure-tested our trust in news and information sources especially when it comes to China—ground zero for the pandemic. But what is it really like for people there right now?
Be careful not to focus too much on the immediate changes when planning for a post-COVID world. This crisis might lead to deeper, more disruptive shifts in our societal structure — shifts that should be at the core of any business strategy.
The Covid-19 pandemic comes with a great deal of uncertainty for the healthcare industry, but it is also an unprecedented opportunity for sales and marketing leaders in the Life Sciences to take a critical look at the prevailing sales model, and redefine future interactions that are more cost-effective and high-impact.
As Denmark opens up after COVID-19 restrictions, we are watching out for early signals that show how people may permanently adopt some new social behaviors – and quickly default to other deeply ingrained ways of life.
Clients have come to us asking for clues to the ‘next normal,’ and for ReD’s take on the social shifts that are most relevant to business. Like all our projects, we are taking a beginner’s mind in our response. As we embark on an exploratory study of social change, the questions raised in this letter are a sample of our working field guide.
It looks like we’re going to be working from home a lot in 2020. Nearly every company is building contingency plans, piloting remote protocols or already requiring employees to work from home, while some have even made pronouncements about how coronavirus will be a litmus test for a new “working from anywhere” paradigm.