Posts tagged COVID-19
Streaming Consciousness: What I learned from reading Virginia Woolf during COVID-19

During Covid-19, many people are searching for meaning in literature set during times of war, disease and dystopia. We hear about skyrocketing sales of Camus and are reminded of the great impact of the plague on Shakespeare’s work. But ReD’s Jonny Lowndes has been wading into classic texts that tell us something about the impact of isolation on the way we think. In this personal essay, he shares insights gleaned by reading by Viriginia Wolff and Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

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Field Guide for a Crisis: Capturing the shifts in social behavior that will shape the next normal

Clients have come to us asking for clues to the ‘next normal,’ and for ReD’s take on the social shifts that are most relevant to business. Like all our projects, we are taking a beginner’s mind in our response. As we embark on an exploratory study of social change, the questions raised in this letter are a sample of our working field guide.

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